Saturday, June 5, 2010

OK, so M3 Productions now has a Blogspot!!!!

OK *whew*

Patrick here of M3 Productions.  I've noticed that with all of these social media networks of all sorts as well as the ever so many DJ's out there...with their own fancy websites that sometimes gives you viruses, or just spam after spam of just useless junk.  This is where we'll be what we always have been.  With the DJ's of M3, although we do not have a lot (4 members including myself), we will do what we do best.  Give everyone as well as introduce them to electronic music that you don't get exposed to often.

There's pop electronic music, than there's underground electronic.  Don't deter away just to hear the word "Underground", it's different but boy does it catch everyone's attention.

So this blogspot's intention is to provide everyone the possibility to provide them a constant source of great new electronic dance music.

We'll also be posting any upcoming events for those that will follow us.  Remember just to follow us is as easy as looking to the right and clicking on "Follow".  Keeping everyone up to date on any happenings as well as discount or free guestlist for upcoming shows.

So spread the word, of who we are and what we do.

Feel free to comment or message us!  We don't bite. :)

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